
Friday 14 August 2015

Tate Modern Museum

On our last school trip, we visited the Tate Modern Museum in London. It was not very strange for Chinese students due to the famous Chinese “artist” Ai Weiwei has displayed a famous art work there. He putted a lot of sunflower seeds on the whole ground in that exhibition. However, there are also a huge number of other great art works such as the three “most influential artists” in 20th century---Picasso, Matisse and Dali.

That must be a precious chance for me to see these masters work in close way. Previously, I only saw them in books. Among them, Matisse is my favorite artist. He was the representative of the fauvism. His works had the feminine of impressionism and the rigorous of the cubism. In the later period of his career, he has used paper cut as the form of his works. He said that the paper cut is just like use the scissors to make a sculpture on the paper. Those kind of work including a lot of east philosophy consciousness. I also want to use paper cut as a main carrier of my future works, his works and concept has a deep reflection for me.

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