
About me

Previously, I used to integrate the natural elements to the contemporary art creation, I found this concept were used in a widely range through art history, especially from Art Nouveau to nowadays. That makes me want to explore the source of this situation. The issue which I am exploring now is the worship from the native human to the nature. In the natives' eyes, there was only one reason to do the art creation, they believe that art had magic and supernatural power. They worshiped the nature, because they did not have enough strength to fight with those natural power like flood, volcano, wild animal and doom. So they needed a power to against these "disaster". Probably some of works they used to sacrifice were not as beautiful as our contemporary society---actually they did not need to make them beautiful,because they did not want anyone to see them except the soul of the dead---their works were not for skills, just for concept. That was the first meaning of art.

Later on, I will continue to research this concept and use it in my work, at the same time I try to explore more knowledge of psychology and philosophy which discuss about the life consciousness.

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